WISE All-Sky Release Atlas Image | unWISE coadd |
(W1,W2 composite, tile 2709p666, ~6 arcmin square) |
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unWISE coadds:
Paper 1: paper (arxiv 1405.0308) or (AJ)
Paper 2 (NEOWISE-R1): paper (arxiv 1603.05664)
Paper 3 (NEOWISE-R3): paper (arxiv 1705.06746)
Please cite one or more of:
Lang, D., 2014, "unWISE: unblurred coadds of the WISE imaging," Astronomical Journal, 147, 108.
Meisner, A.M., Lang, D., and Schlegel, D.J., 2016, "Full-depth Coadds of the WISE and First-year NEOWISE-Reactivation Images,"
arXiv preprint 1603.05664
Meisner, A.M., Lang, D., and Schlegel, D.J. (2017) "Deep Full-sky Coadds from Three Years of WISE and NEOWISE Observations," arXiv:1705.06746.
SDSS/WISE Forced photometry:
Paper: arxiv 1410.7397
Please cite: Lang, D., Hogg, D.W., and Schlegel, D.J., 2016, "WISE photometry for 400 million SDSS sources," Astronomical Journal, 151, 36.
Contact: Dustin Lang, dstndstn at gmail dot com
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Orion nebula, W1,W2 composite
Orion nebula, W3,W4 composite; background-matched, no median-filter
Andromeda, W3/W4, background-matched, no median-filter